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import Shipment Redirection, New Procedures with Greater Safety进口货件截件改派服务新流程,更安全更放心自2009年11月1日起,中外运敦豪将针对客户进口货件截件改派实行新的服务流程。若您为收件人,在货件发出后需要截件并更改派送地址时,请填写进口货件截件截件改派服务保函,并拨打DHL客服热线提出申请。服务保函可从DHL网站上下载或从客户热线获取。As of November 1, 2009, DHL-Sinotrans will introduce new procedure for import shipment redirection. When consignee requests a change of import shipment destination, please prepare an “import Shipment Redirection Request Form”. The Form can be obtained by downloading the PDF file from this page or requesting the Form from Customer Service.为了给您的货件提供更安全的保障,我们将对提出截件改派的收件人身份进行验证。为防止冒领,不接受非发/收件人提出的改派申请。To provide greater safety to your shipment, security procedures must be conducted for import shipment redirection. To prevent any loss that incurs, any redirection request raised by non shipper/consignee will not be accepted.如果截件改派申请人是运单上注明的收件人(个人),请您提供身份证、护照或驾驶执照影印件。如果收件地址含有公司名称,截件改派申请人还需要提供工作证或公司介绍信。When redirection is requested by consignee (individual), you will be asked to present photographic proof of identity of collector of the shipment (ID, passport or driver's license only). When the recipient’s address includes the name of a corporation, you will also be asked to present an employee ID card or proof that you are employed with the concerned corporation.若海外发件人对进口至中国的货件要求截件改派,请联系发件人所在国DHL提出申请。If the overseas shipper requests for redirection after shipment sent out, please contact your local DHL for the request.※进口货件截件改派服务费 import Shipment Redirection Service Fee当收件人提出进口货件截件改派服务要求时,我们将对成功截件改派的货件收取以下费用。The following fees will apply when recipients request redirection of import shipments. 同城:每票100元人民币Intra-City: RMB 100 per shipment 异地:每票200元人民币Cross-territory: RMB 200 per shipment进口货件截件改派服务费以现金或收件人之出口60帐号结算。当货件为进口到付时,您也可将服务费计入您的进口96帐号下。恕不接受第三方帐号付费。import Shipment Redirection Service Fee will be billed by cash or outbound 60 account of consignee. When the shipment is consignee paid, you may choose to bill the service fee under your IMP 96 account. 3rd party IMP payment is not accepted.附件: 进口货件截件截件改派服务保函Attachment: import Shipment Redirection Request Form特殊服务需求确认函Confirmation Letter致:中外运敦豪公司客户服务部To: DHL-Sinotrans Customer Service Department我/我司已知悉此类特殊安排存在风险并且DHL无法就此类特殊安排作出承诺。现我/我司确认中外运敦豪公司对快件______________(请填写运单号码)进行如下特殊安排,并同意支付由此产生的运费、海关税费或其他附加费用。I have been well advised that such service modification should be special arrangement and is not committed. Here I authorize DHL-Sinotrans to do following special handling on the shipment via DHL airway bill no. ______________(Please fill in the AWB number ) and agree to pay for any extra charge e.g. freight, duty & tax and so on caused by this arrangement.( )将此票快件截停并等候我司进一步通知,我/我司将于________工作天内给予最终确认。Please stop the shipment and hold our further instruction within ________ working days.( )将此票快件截停并退回发件地。退回费用支付方式为________(请勾选以下选项:1. 进口到付方式支付退回运费/ 2. IMP到付帐号[ ]支付退回运费/ 3. 现金支付退回运费) Please stop the shipment and return it to origin. The freight charge for return will be absorbed (Please select one of the following ways): 1. paid by origin shipper once this returned shipment arrived in origin/ or 2. Paid by DHL IMP Account________/ or 3. Paid by original consignee before processing the return of shipment. ( )将此票快件截停并就地销毁。Please stop the shipment and destroy in the station holding it.( )将此票快件截停并更改派送地址至___________________________________________。我/我司同意承担支付截件改派服务手续费,费用支付方式为 (请勾选以下选项 1.我司出口帐号[60__________]内/或2.IMP到付帐号[96____________]内/或3.派件时现金支付。进口截件改派服务手续费为同城每票人民币100元。异地(非同城)派送每票人民币200元。恕不接受第三方帐号付费。如保函提供方与付费方不一致,保函提供方需提前得到付费方的支付确认,否则货件将无法及时改派。当您选择出口60帐号支付时,服务费将以总金额的形式在您的账单中体现。Please stop the shipment and redirect to the following address_____________________________________________________________I know this service modification of DHL Sinotrans involves surcharge. I agree to pay via account [60__________] or [96_____________ ] or pay by cash upon delivery. Surcharge of inbound shipment redirection is CNY 100 for intra-city and CNY 200 for cross-city redirection. 3rd party IMP account payment is not accepted. Surcharge will be indicated by total amount on your invoice when you choose to pay by outbound 60 account. In case provider of the confirmation letter is not payer of redirection surcharge, provider should confirm payer’s surcharge payment beforehand. * 中外运敦豪保留对超大超重货物更改改址派送服务费的权利。* DHL-Sinotrans reserve the right to apply different surcharge for extreme heavyweight shipment. 同时我/我司已知悉,由于此类服务为针对特殊需求而做的特殊安排,此票快件存在因无法适应DHL标准操作流程而导致延期的风险。因此,DHL无法承诺实现此类非标准性服务,并对于服务更改失败带来的损失不承担任何责任。Meanwhile, I was well informed that DHL-Sinotrans is not liable for shipment delay caused by such special arrangement and DHL-Sinotrans does not support any direct or indirect loss occurs accordingly.公司盖章 Stamp: 申请人/公司经办人签名 Signature:日期 Date: 申请人联络电话 Telephone:


2019年DHL进出口业务附加费详细介绍,2019年DHL国际快递海关服务附加费详情, 2019年DHL国际快递海关服务附加费的详细内容是怎样的呢?DHL国际快递在官网上公布了2019年最新的DHL国际快递海关服务附加费,那么具体都有哪些海关服务附加费呢?费用又是如何收取的呢?不要着急,下面就让文捷国际快递为大家介绍一下2019年最新的DHL国际快递海关服务附加费,一起来看看吧。

海关服务 – 掌控进出口业务DHL Express作为国际货运专家,具备丰富的通关知识和经验。为了让客户安心无忧,我们提供一系列广泛的海关服务为通关流程提供有力支持。我们在保证通关顺利流畅的同时,您就可以专注于您的核心业务,心无旁骛。使用我们的在线工具 (tas.dhl.com) ,可以帮您获取到操作发件时必要的海关信息。关税和税费征收进口海关费用代垫手续费(非账号客户)此服务适用于进口非文件类货物,DHL为没有协议账号的进口商预先垫付关税、税费及各种海关杂费,随后向客户收取相同代垫金额的费用。由于预先以DHL的海关信用做担保,此服务会基于垫付费用按一定比例收取手续费,但有标准的最低收费。进口海关费用代垫手续费(账号客户)应收件人的请求,此服务会使用DHL的信用额度或现金垫付清关费用,包括快件产生的关税和税费,收件人无需动用自己的信用支付。由于DHL快速支付相关海关费用,清关流程得以加速,收件人可以按照事先协定的日期延迟支付给DHL。进口快件监管仓库管理费由于单证信息有误或缺失导致货物滞留海关则可能会产生仓储费用。自货物最晚进入DHL监管仓库或单据移交报关行的三个工作日后即开始计费。此费用适用于目的地关税、税款的支付方。转关运输当要求DHL运送非文件类且原产地是他国或地区商品至非常规DHL口岸的目的地,需要安排保税区转运。转关运输通常是在一国或地区境内或一个关区内操作,是进口商或指定报关行在最终清关之前的一个必要操作环节。如要求DHL以自己的名义行使担保责任开出、管理或提交任何监管转运单,那么无论出口还是进口业务,保税区转运服务都适用。出口报关费此项服务适用于出口正式报关货件超出一定货值或重量,或属于特定商品的情形。根据不同发件国家的报关条件,发货人可通过在线申报避免此费用。单据移交报关行应客户要求,清关单据移交给第三方独立报关行操作海关清关。清关完成后继续由DHL负责派送。清关单据移交后,DHL不再负责向海关提交清关单据或货物放行的时效性。多条目清关录入对于货件包含超过5种不同的商品,进口报关单中品项条目超过5行时,额外增加的行数需征收录入费用。此费用适用于目的地关税、税款的支付方。货件移交报关行应进口商的请求,DHL将货件及清关单据移交给客户指定的报关行。报关行负责货件派送。


1. 进口海关费用代垫手续费(非账号客户):每票20元人民币或者代垫金额的2%,两者取高。 此服务适用于进口非文件类货物,DHL为没有协议账号的进口商预先垫付关税、税费及各种海关杂费,随后向客户收取相同代垫金额的费用。由于预先以DHL的海关信用做担保,此服务会基于垫付费用按一定比例收取手续费,但有最低收费标准。

Advance Payment: Per shipment 20 CNY or 2% of the credit advanced, if higher The service covers any import of a non-document shipment for which DHL has paid or used its customs credit line advancing customs duties, taxes or regulatory charges on behalf of those importers with whom DHL has no contract. The charge is based on the credit advanced or guaranteed and is subject to a standard minimum.

2. 进口海关费用代垫手续费(账号客户):每票20元人民币或者代垫金额的2%,两者取高。 应收件人的请求,此服务会使用DHL的信用额度或现金垫付清关费用,包括快件产生的关税和税费,收件人无需动用自己的信用支付。由于DHL快速支付相关海关费用,清关流程得以加速,收件人可以按照事先协定的日期延迟支付给DHL。

Disbursements: Per shipment 20 CNY or 2% of the credit advanced, if higher At the receiver’s request, DHL credit or cash is used to fund the clearance, duty and tax charges relating to a shipment or piece, instead of the receiver using their own bond or credit line. The customs process is accelerated, with DHL making prompt payment of relevant charges while the receiver defers payment until an agreed date.

3. 进口快件监管仓库管理费:超过3个工作日后,每票50元人民币或者每公斤每天0.5元人民币,两者取高。 由于单证信息有误或缺失导致货物滞留海关则可能会产生仓储费用。自货物最晚进入DHL监管仓库或单据移交报关行的三个工作日后即开始计费。此费用适用于目的地关税、税款的支付方。

Bonded Storage: After 3 working day free storage, per shipment 50 CNY or 0.5 CNY per kilo per day if higher Storage charges apply when the shipment cannot be released by Customs due to inaccurate or missing paperwork. Charges take effect three working days after the freight arrival date or broker notification, whichever is later. The charge applies to the duty and taxes payer.4. 转关运输:每票350元人民币。 当要求DHL运送非文件类且原产地是他国商品至非常规DHL口岸的目的地,需要安排保税区转运。转关运输通常是在一国境内或一个关区内操作,是进口商或指定报关行在最终清关之前的一个必要操作环节。如要求DHL以自己的名义行使担保责任开出、管理或提交任何监管转运单,那么无论出口还是进口业务,保税区转运服务都适用。

Bonded Transit: Per shipment 350 CNY A bonded shipment occurs when DHL is requested to move non-document foreign-origin goods to a location other than the regular DHL gateway at destination. Bonded Transit is normally operated within a country or customs union, and is necessary prior to final clearance by the importer or designated broker. Bonded Transit applies to both export and import shipments whenever DHL is required to open, manage or report any form of transfer under bond using our own guarantee.

5. 出口报关费:每票120元人民币。 此项服务适用于出口正式报关货件超出一定货值或重量,或属于特定商品的情形。根据不同发件国家的报关条件,发货人可通过在线申报避免此费用。

Export Declaration: Per shipment 120 CNY Applies in countries where an export declaration is required for shipments containing controlled commodities or exceeding a certain value threshold or weight. Depending on origin country, shippers that submit a declaration online may avoid the local charge.

6. 多条目清关录入:进口报关单第六行起每行40元人民币。 对于货件包含超过五种不同的商品,进口报关单中品项条目超过五行时,额外增加的行数需征收录入费用。此费用适用于目的地关税、税款的支付方。

Multiline Entry: 40 CNY per line from the 6th line onwards For shipments containing more than five different commodities, a multiline entry charge is applied for every additional line item. All commodities require identification and must be classified under unique harmonized code tariff numbers. The charge applies to the duty and taxes payer.

7. 单据移交报关行:每票80元人民币。 应客户要求,清关单据移交给第三方独立报关行操作海关清关。清关完成后继续由DHL负责派送。清关单据移交后,DHL不再负责向海关提交清关单据或货物放行的时效性。

Broker Notification: Per shipment 80 CNY At the customer’s request, DHL will provide the necessary paperwork to the customer’s designated broker to perform the import clearance and resume the delivery to the final destination once the clearance is completed. DHL is subsequently not responsible for the timeliness of the submission to customs or for the release of the shipment.

8. 货件移交报关行:每票320元人民币。 应发件人或进口商的要求,DHL将货件及清关单据移交给客户指定的报关行。报关行负责货件派送。

Release to Broker: Per shipment 320 CNY At shipper or importer request, the release of a DHL Express shipment to the customers designated customs broker of choice. DHL will transfer the responsibility for a shipment and related customs documentation to the customer’s nominated broker for clearance and last mile delivery.









  2.1 平信


  邮寄一份美国留学申请材料一般需要30-40元左右,更重的需要50元。如果你购买了打折邮票,则可以节省一半的费用。如通过网络搜索―打折邮票这个关键词也可以得到不错的结果(大约 5-6 折左右)。

  2.2 挂号信


  2.3 EMS


  2.4 全球优先


  2.5 快递

  目前,推荐的快递服务主要有三种,即UPS(United Parcel Service)、FedEx(Federal Express,即联邦快递)和DHL。UPS和FedEx是美国公司,DHL是欧洲公司。



  UPS 155(美、加) 80(港澳台) 165(欧洲)

  DHL155(美、加) 168(英国和西欧)

可咨询020-36680069  工作时间:上午8:00-12:00 下午2:00-5:00

  FedEx175.5(美、加) 189(英国)



  (3)签证申请费用:140美元 (人民币938元)




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